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# fastest-writable   [![Build Status](]( [![Coverage Status](]( [![NPM version](](
Node.js [`Writable`]( which goes at the speed of its fastest peer `Writable` and ends peers which can't keep up.
- Alternative to [`readable.pipe`]( which goes at the rate of the slowest peer.
- Peers which aren't drained when a write occurs are ended.
- With no peers added, `fastest-writable` consumes data as fast as it is written and throws it away.
- Full set of unit tests with 100% coverage.
var stream = require('stream'),
    assert = require('assert'),
    FastestWritable = require('fastest-writable').FastestWritable,
    source = new stream.PassThrough(),
    fw = new FastestWritable(),
    dest1 = new stream.PassThrough({ highWaterMark: 1 }),
    dest2 = new stream.PassThrough({ highWaterMark: 1 });
assert.equal(, 'foo');
// drain emitted next tick
process.nextTick(function ()
The API is described [here](#tableofcontents).
## Installation
npm install fastest-writable
## Licence
## Test
grunt test
## Code Coverage
grunt coverage
[c8]( results are available [here](
Coveralls page is [here](
## Lint
grunt lint
"use strict";
var stream = require('stream'),
    util = require('util');
Creates a new `FastestWritable` object which can write to multiple peer [`stream.Writable`]( objects. 
Inherits from [`stream.Writable`]( so you can use any `Writable` method or event in addition to those described here.
@extends Writable
@param {Object} [options] Configuration options. This is passed onto `Writable`'s constructor and can contain the following extra property:
- `{Boolean} [end_peers_on_finish]` Whether to call [`writable.end`]( on all peers when this `FastestWritable` object emits a [`finish`]( event. Defaults to `true`.
- `{Boolean} [destroy_peers_on_destroy]` Whether to call [`writable.destroy`]( on all peers when this `FastestWritable` is destroyed. Defaults to `true`.
- `{Boolean} [emit_laggard]` Whether to emit an event named `laggard` on any peers which can't keep up _instead of_ ending them. Defaults to `false`.
function FastestWritable(options)
{, options);
    options = options || {};
    this._options = options;
    this._peers = new Map();
    var ths = this;
    this.on('finish', function ()
        for (var peer of ths._peers.keys())
            ths._end_peer(peer, options.end_peers_on_finish, false);
    this.on('pipe', function (src)
        for (var peer of ths._peers.keys())
            peer.emit('pipe', src);
    this.on('unpipe', function (src)
        for (var peer of ths._peers.keys())
            peer.emit('unpipe', src);
    this._finish = function ()
        ths.remove_peer(this, false);
    this._orig_emit = this.emit;
    this.emit = function (type)
        if (type === 'error')
            for (var peer of ths._peers.keys())
                peer._fastest_writable_orig_emit.apply(peer, arguments);
        return this._orig_emit.apply(this, arguments);
util.inherits(FastestWritable, stream.Writable);
Add a peer [`Writable`]( to the list of peers to which data will be written.
When [`writable.write`]( is called on this `FastestWritable` object, the data is written to every peer. `FastestWritable` drains when _at least one_ of its peers drains. When `writable.write` is called again, [`writable.end`]( is called on any peer which hasn't drained from the previous `writable.write` call.
If this `FastestWritable` object has no peer `Writable`s then it drains immediately.
@param {stream.Writable} peer Peer `Writable` to add.
FastestWritable.prototype.add_peer = function (peer)
    var ths = this;
    this._peers.set(peer, false);
    peer.on('finish', this._finish);
    peer.on('close', this._finish);
    peer._fastest_writable_orig_emit = peer.emit;
    peer.emit = function (type)
        if (type === 'error')
            ths._orig_emit.apply(ths, arguments);
        return this._fastest_writable_orig_emit.apply(this, arguments);
    this.emit('peer_added', peer);
Remove a peer [`Writable`]( from the list of peers to which data will be written.
@param {stream.Writable} peer Peer `Writable` to remove.
@param {Boolean} end Whether to call [`writable.end`]( on the peer once it's been removed from the list. Defaults to `true`.
FastestWritable.prototype.remove_peer = function (peer, end)
    // From Node 14, 'finish' event is not emitted synchronously.
    // So when we end() the peer in _end_peer(), _remove_peer() isn't called
    // because we remove the 'finish' listener before the event is emitted.
    // istanbul ignore else
    if (this._peers.has(peer))
        this._end_peer(peer, end, false);
FastestWritable.prototype._end_peer = function (peer, end, laggard)
    if (laggard)
        this.emit('laggard', peer);
    else if (end !== false)
    peer.removeListener('finish', this._finish);
    peer.emit = peer._fastest_writable_orig_emit;
    this.emit('peer_removed', peer);
    if (this._peers.size === 0)
FastestWritable.prototype._write = function (chunk, encoding, cb)
    var ths = this, num_waiting = 0;
    function callback()
        if (cb)
            var f = cb;
            cb = null;
    function ready()
        if (cb && !ths.emit('ready', num_waiting, num_peers, callback))
    function drain()
        num_waiting -= 1;
        /*jshint validthis: true */
        this.removeListener('drain', drain);
        this.removeListener('finish', drain);
        if (!ths._peers.has(this))
            if (num_waiting === 0)
            return; // doesn't mean it's ready for data!
        ths._peers.set(this, false);
    for (var info of this._peers)
        var peer = info[0], waiting = info[1];
        if (waiting)
            this._end_peer(peer, true, this._options.emit_laggard);
        else if (!peer.write(chunk, encoding))
            num_waiting += 1;
            this._peers.set(peer, true);
            peer.on('drain', drain);
            peer.on('finish', drain);
    var num_peers = this._peers.size;
    if ((num_peers === 0) || (num_waiting < num_peers))
        // at least one peer is ready or there are no peers
        return process.nextTick(ready);
    this.emit('waiting', callback);
FastestWritable.prototype._destroy = function (err, cb)
    if (this._options.destroy_peers_on_destroy !== false)
        for (var peer of this._peers.keys())
exports.FastestWritable = FastestWritable;