Type alias Credential

Credential: {
    attestationType: string;
    authenticator: Authenticator;
    flags: CredentialFlags;
    id: string;
    publicKey: string;
    transport: AuthenticatorTransport[];

Contains all needed information about a WebAuthn credential for storage.

Type declaration

  • attestationType: string

    The attestation format used (if any) by the authenticator when creating the credential.

  • authenticator: Authenticator

    The Authenticator information for a given certificate.

  • flags: CredentialFlags

    The commonly stored flags.

  • id: string

    (base64) A probabilistically-unique byte sequence identifying a public key credential source and its authentication assertions.

  • publicKey: string

    (base64) The public key portion of a Relying Party-specific credential key pair, generated by an authenticator and returned to a Relying Party at registration time.

  • transport: AuthenticatorTransport[]

    The transport types the authenticator supports.

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