Type alias PublicKeyCredentialRequestOptions

PublicKeyCredentialRequestOptions: {
    allowCredentials?: CredentialDescriptor[];
    challenge: URLEncodedBase64;
    extensions?: AuthenticationExtensions;
    rpId?: string;
    timeout?: number;
    userVerification?: UserVerificationRequirement;

Parameters for navigator.credentials.get().

Type declaration

  • Optional allowCredentials?: CredentialDescriptor[]

    A list of public key credentials acceptable to the caller, in descending order of preference (the first item in the list is the most preferred credential, and so on down the list).

  • challenge: URLEncodedBase64

    A challenge that the selected authenticator signs, along with other data, when producing a login assertion.

  • Optional extensions?: AuthenticationExtensions

    Additional parameters requesting additional processing by the browser and authenticator. For example, if transaction confirmation is sought from the user, then the prompt string might be included as an extension.

  • Optional rpId?: string

    Specifies the Relying Party identifier claimed by the application. If omitted, its value will be the application's origin's effective domain.

  • Optional timeout?: number

    Specifies a time, in milliseconds, that the caller is willing to wait for the call to complete. This is treated as a hint, and may be overridden by the browser.

  • Optional userVerification?: UserVerificationRequirement

    Describes the Relying Party's requirements regarding user verification for the navigator.credentials.get() operation. Eligible authenticators are filtered to only those capable of satisfying this requirement.

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